Christopher Plummer

The Sound of Music - 5/5

This film is an all-time classic for a reason. Its themes are heroic and timeless, the music has at least half a dozen enduring masterpieces, and it’s genuinely funny to boot. It’s so rare to see a meaningful story these days, which only emphasizes its importance by contrast. It’s a long movie but never outstays its welcome, and the finale is much more tense than the rest of the film would suggest is possible at first blush. It’s a must-watch for everyone.

Closest comparison: It’s like Casablanca by way of The King And I.

Setting: Family Drama
Plot: Romance
Tone: Comedy

Wolf (1994) - 3/5

This is a good modern take on the werewolf formula, exchanging manors on the moor for business suits in the city. The special effects are mostly confined to the end and the sexuality is strong by ‘90s standards by tame for today. It’s more of a character piece about a man becoming assertive in a business environment than it is about classic monster tropes, which keeps it unique and interesting. And with a very reasonable two hour runtime it doesn’t overstay its welcome.

Closest comparison: It’s like Wolfman (2010) by way of Wall Street (1987).

Setting: Drama
Plot: Horror
Tone: Corporate Thriller

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) - 1/5

This movie is a meticulously, even beautifully handcrafted telling of a story so grim, gritty, sordid, and vile that it doesn’t merit being told. It’s remarkable how good the film-making is, being one of the only movies that makes long-form research genuinely compelling, interesting, and even gripping. But there’s no redeeming value to the story’s conclusion, no satisfactory result that makes the slough of watching the story unfold worth having been watched. Daniel Craig’s accent goes in and out (mostly out), but it barely rates mentioning against the mountain of other flaws in the film.

Content warning: female nudity, graphic sex, rape

Closest comparison: It’s like Dolores Claiborne (1995) by way of Se7en.

Setting: Police Procedural
Plot: Detective
Tone: Psychological Horror

Inside Man (2006) - 4/5

This is a smart, well-executed heist movie. It’s constantly letting the audience know that it’s going to pull a fast one at the end, but keeps them guessing who and when and how. The top tier actor list does not disappoint, bringing the rich characters to life with a smooth aggressiveness that makes full use of their considerable talents. The pacing would normally be considered slow-burn, but there’s enough to think about at all times that the pauses instead become room to think and let the plot breathe a little. Ultimately it thinks it’s a bit more clever than it actually is and it takes too long to wrap up in the third act, but those are small criticisms for such a unique and well thought out story.

Closest comparison: It’s like Heist (2001) mixed with Silence of the Lambs, but with drama and intrigue in place of psychological horror.

Setting: Detective
Plot: Heist
Tone: Drama

Knives Out (2019) - 5/5

This is one of the most clever whodunnit films I’ve seen, and probably the most intricate. Nevertheless, Rian Johnson makes it straightforward and easy to follow, as all good murder mysteries should. The story somehow manages to escape the tired old formula while meticulously maintaining its trappings, keeping the dialogue snappy and the sordid family affairs more fun than sordid. There is a fair amount of partisan politics in this movie, but it’s pretty evenly split and is relegated to character quirks, refusing to make a definite statement. It’s old and new, clever and simple; it’s Rian Johnson at his best.

Closest comparison: It’s like an Agatha Christie story for a new generation.

Setting: Murder Mystery
Plot: Murder Mystery
Tone: Mystery Comedy