Denzel Washington

Inside Man (2006) - 4/5

This is a smart, well-executed heist movie. It’s constantly letting the audience know that it’s going to pull a fast one at the end, but keeps them guessing who and when and how. The top tier actor list does not disappoint, bringing the rich characters to life with a smooth aggressiveness that makes full use of their considerable talents. The pacing would normally be considered slow-burn, but there’s enough to think about at all times that the pauses instead become room to think and let the plot breathe a little. Ultimately it thinks it’s a bit more clever than it actually is and it takes too long to wrap up in the third act, but those are small criticisms for such a unique and well thought out story.

Closest comparison: It’s like Heist (2001) mixed with Silence of the Lambs, but with drama and intrigue in place of psychological horror.

Setting: Detective
Plot: Heist
Tone: Drama