Clive Owen

Inside Man (2006) - 4/5

This is a smart, well-executed heist movie. It’s constantly letting the audience know that it’s going to pull a fast one at the end, but keeps them guessing who and when and how. The top tier actor list does not disappoint, bringing the rich characters to life with a smooth aggressiveness that makes full use of their considerable talents. The pacing would normally be considered slow-burn, but there’s enough to think about at all times that the pauses instead become room to think and let the plot breathe a little. Ultimately it thinks it’s a bit more clever than it actually is and it takes too long to wrap up in the third act, but those are small criticisms for such a unique and well thought out story.

Closest comparison: It’s like Heist (2001) mixed with Silence of the Lambs, but with drama and intrigue in place of psychological horror.

Setting: Detective
Plot: Heist
Tone: Drama

Children of Men - 4/5

The main draw from this movie is certainly the cintematography, with breathtakingly long takes and jawdropping visual trickery that doesn’t distract from the story but supports and enhances it. The premise is pretty novel and the story plods along interestingly enough, building tension on the brink of despair then shining enough of a light to keep the audience watching and hoping. The violence has a passive realism that focuses on the human impact more than the uncomforatable psychology of it, but both are present to a degree. Sill, if you like dystopian sci-fi and difficult film-making, it’s a must-watch.

Closest comparison: It’s like 1984 by way of Birdman.

Setting: Dystopian Sci-Fi
Plot: On-The-Run
Tone: Bleak Survival

Gemini Man - 2/5

This movie is a mess. The action is decent, but all of the good parts (with one possible exception) were shown in the trailer and, bafflingly, were better executed in the trailer. The acting ranges from passable to poor, with a few pretty cringe-inducing moments. There are a few times where the cinematography is beautiful, but for the most part everything just looks boring. Even the special effects, while mostly top-notch, have a few scenes that look rough to the point of being unnerving. There are some good ideas buried within the story but the script is never able to do anything with them.

Closest comparison: It’s like Killer Elite (2011) with the art direction of Oblivion (2013).

Setting: Government Thriller
Plot: Sci-Fi
Tone: Action

Killer Elite (2011) - 3/5

On the whole this is just your standard action flick. It looks really good and the action sequences are slightly above average, but the plot plods along exactly as you might expect. Robert De Niro and Clive Owen elevate the average acting level significantly and Jason Statham is Jason Statham. Apparently it’s based on a true story, which improves some of the mondanity quite a bit. The film isn’t great and it isn’t terrible, but it doesn’t offer anything beyond that.

Closest Comparison: Ronin crossed with The Bourne Ultimatum