Ben Mendelsohn

Captain Marvel - 2/5

There’s not a lot to redeem this movie. It seems to confuse ‘mean’ with ‘funny’, and does so repeatedly. The main character is unlikable and arrogant, which is a bad combination. Ben Mendelsohn steals the show, which is how badly the writers portrayed Sam Jackson’s character. The action scenes are dimly lit and shake around like the camera man is afraid he’ll miss something; that combined with choppy editing makes them a jumbled mess. The skrull make-up is phenomenal, though, and the plot turn is actually not half bad. The tone was very different from other Marvel movies and felt much more like J.J. Abrams’ Start Trek movies, so if you like those movies you’re in luck.

Closest Comparison: They tried to make Wonder Woman, but made Green Lantern instead.

Setting: Sci-fi
Plot: Action
Tone: A messy mess of Superhero, Action, and Comedy

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Killer Elite (2011) - 3/5

On the whole this is just your standard action flick. It looks really good and the action sequences are slightly above average, but the plot plods along exactly as you might expect. Robert De Niro and Clive Owen elevate the average acting level significantly and Jason Statham is Jason Statham. Apparently it’s based on a true story, which improves some of the mondanity quite a bit. The film isn’t great and it isn’t terrible, but it doesn’t offer anything beyond that.

Closest Comparison: Ronin crossed with The Bourne Ultimatum

Rogue One - 4/5

Ok, it's good. It's really good. Don't let the trailers fool you; several shots in the trailer aren't in the film at all. Definitely go see it.
There were 5-6 lines that were modern colloquialisms and I thought the female lead was the weakest part of the film. She was much better than I thought she'd be, though, and it just feels so much like Star Wars that I'm still giving it a very good ranking. It's almost a 5, but not quite