Mads Mikkelsen

Polar (Netflix) - 1/5

It’s trying to be as cool as John Wick and as stylish as Kick Ass, but fails at both. There’s meaningless sex and boring action in colorful surroundings. The acting all around is either bland or bad, and it constantly pales in comparison to everything it’s ripping off.

Closest Comparison: A bland, boring attempt to recreate John Wick and Kick Ass

Setting: Action
Plot: Action
Tone: Stylish/Drama

Rogue One - 4/5

Ok, it's good. It's really good. Don't let the trailers fool you; several shots in the trailer aren't in the film at all. Definitely go see it.
There were 5-6 lines that were modern colloquialisms and I thought the female lead was the weakest part of the film. She was much better than I thought she'd be, though, and it just feels so much like Star Wars that I'm still giving it a very good ranking. It's almost a 5, but not quite

Doctor Strange - 4/5

It was visually impressive, lots to like about the story, acting, etc. A few ways they break the Show Don't Tell rule are mostly what keep it from being truly great. There is an incredibly inventive fight scene at the end and don't forget to stay for 2 scenes after the credits.