Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - 3/5

This movie is conflicted. The first half is standard super hero fare, the second half tends more toward Sam Raimi-brand horror. The pacing is very flat, which robs the ending of some of its impact, but the fight scenes are creatively conceived and excellently executed. The character of America Chavez is mostly fine, but some of her trappings and backstory are downright leftist propaganda. The good parts of this movie are pretty great, but there’s enough that doesn’t work to bring the film movie down to mediocre.

Closest comparison: It’s like Doctor Strange (2016) by way of Evil Dead (2013).

Setting: Super Hero
Plot: Mentorship
Tone: Super Hero, then Horror

Avengers: Infinity War - 5/5

This film has all the great cross-over action scenes we've been waiting for. Each character gets a time to shine and dialogue that fits them well. If you haven't seen all of the other movies leading up to this I think most of it will still make perfect sense, but you'll miss some quips and inside jokes. Also, be aware that while this film is mostly fun there are some much darker moments, including a torture scene. All in all, though, the film is certainly worth the hype.

Doctor Strange - 4/5

It was visually impressive, lots to like about the story, acting, etc. A few ways they break the Show Don't Tell rule are mostly what keep it from being truly great. There is an incredibly inventive fight scene at the end and don't forget to stay for 2 scenes after the credits.