Julie Andrews

The Sound of Music - 5/5

This film is an all-time classic for a reason. Its themes are heroic and timeless, the music has at least half a dozen enduring masterpieces, and it’s genuinely funny to boot. It’s so rare to see a meaningful story these days, which only emphasizes its importance by contrast. It’s a long movie but never outstays its welcome, and the finale is much more tense than the rest of the film would suggest is possible at first blush. It’s a must-watch for everyone.

Closest comparison: It’s like Casablanca by way of The King And I.

Setting: Family Drama
Plot: Romance
Tone: Comedy

Aquaman - 3/5

This is a very uneven movie. Many times the visuals are stunning, gorgeous even. Then the actors dump exposition on the audience for a several minutes at a time. Jason Momoa is fun and endearing; Amber Heard is grating. Every fight scene has something really cool and something either bad or just dumb. There are two separate villain plots that push the runtime over 2.5 hours, and that would be fine if the dialogue was good or the characters were likable. Unfortunately, the stiff performances and lousy writing won out. Except for a few really great moments, this film is not worth your time.

Closest Comparison: It’s Thor: Ragnarok by way of Jupiter Ascending