David Hyde Pierce

Wolf (1994) - 3/5

This is a good modern take on the werewolf formula, exchanging manors on the moor for business suits in the city. The special effects are mostly confined to the end and the sexuality is strong by ‘90s standards by tame for today. It’s more of a character piece about a man becoming assertive in a business environment than it is about classic monster tropes, which keeps it unique and interesting. And with a very reasonable two hour runtime it doesn’t overstay its welcome.

Closest comparison: It’s like Wolfman (2010) by way of Wall Street (1987).

Setting: Drama
Plot: Horror
Tone: Corporate Thriller

Treasure Planet - 4/5

One of the most overlooked and underrated Disney films, Treasure Planet was ahead of its time. The blend of a computer generated world with hand drawn characters is a neat style, though some have said they don’t enjoy it, and allows for sweeping shots and beautiful world creation. It’s a great adaptation of the source material, translated into a space steampunk world. And the Goo Goo Dolls soundtrack is the perfect veneer to finish it off.

Closest comparison: Titan A.E. via Disney

Setting: Sci-fi
Plot: Adventure
Tone: Family