Richard Jenkins

Wolf (1994) - 3/5

This is a good modern take on the werewolf formula, exchanging manors on the moor for business suits in the city. The special effects are mostly confined to the end and the sexuality is strong by ‘90s standards by tame for today. It’s more of a character piece about a man becoming assertive in a business environment than it is about classic monster tropes, which keeps it unique and interesting. And with a very reasonable two hour runtime it doesn’t overstay its welcome.

Closest comparison: It’s like Wolfman (2010) by way of Wall Street (1987).

Setting: Drama
Plot: Horror
Tone: Corporate Thriller

Nightmare Alley (2021) - 3/5

This film is a faithful, high budget adaptation of the 1947 movie of the same name. It’s a compelling depiction of a tawdry, base, cruel story with an ending that approaches psychological horror. The style is not the fun-creepy defunct carnival that I had hoped for, but more of a grimy, despicable underbelly of society style. Its narrative is winding and sometimes loses its way, but ultimately delivers an unforgettable, twisted morality tale.

Closest comparison: It’s like Detour by way of The Devil’s Backbone.

Setting: Noir
Plot: Self-Made Ruin
Tone: Thriller

Blue Steel (1990) - 1/5

This movie epitomizes the exasperation of characters doing stupid things. The main character keeps not giving her superiors the vital information that she knows, which would entirely clear up the situation, and which she wants to give them. The film provides no explanation at all but keeps repeating the killer’s inexplicable escape and the main character’s inexplicable silence again and again for the entire runtime.

Closest comparison: It’s like Halloween (1978) by way of Fallen (1998).

Setting: Police Procedural
Plot: Homicide
Tone: Stalker

Intolerable Cruelty - 3/5

This is a comedy about prenuptial agreements, a sardonic look at marriage as only the Coen brothers can create. Like the other weaker entries in their repertoire it lacks the conviction to make an actual point, undoing any potential statements the film could be making. Instead it employs comedic dissolution that undercuts any impact the plot could have had, turning it from a poignant satire into a mere farce. For all that it’s still very entertaining, well written and acted enough to form a baseline for other movies of the genre.

Closest comparison: It’s like Marriage Story by way of O, Brother Where Art Thou.

Setting: Drama
Plot: Intrigue
Tone: Dramedy

The Cabin in the Woods - 4/5

This movie is a deconstruction of the pop horror genre, but also succeeds at being its own solid entry into the pop horror genre. All of the less palatable aspects of movies like this are significantly improved by having characters directly critique them, though not as satisfyingly as they could have. It’s a great return to ‘90s form and the horror movie genre would do well to head in this direction. And while it’s cleverly executed it stops just short of turning the whole premise on its head, as it was poised to do, but leaves just enough wiggle room for fan theorists to have some fun with it.

Content warning: lots of blood, brief female nudity

Closest comparison: It’s like The Last Action Hero for horror movies.

Setting: Horror
Plot: Sci-Fi
Tone: Comedy Horror

Bone Tomahawk - 4/5

This movie is a moving tale of heroism in the face of extreme, brutal, gory, disturbing violence. It’s flawlessly executed and suitable viewing for almost no one. The pacing and dialogue ground the film in sober realism, which transitions from endearing quaintness to honest perseverance to grim determination throughout its course. Kurt Russell is outstanding and the entire case follows close behind, chewing the scenery the whole way. The resolution is more of a relief than a celebration, but if you can stomach the brutality it’s a very impressive film.

Content warnings: brief male and female nudity, extreme, brutal, gory, disturbing violence.

Closest comparison: It’s like The Searchers that turns into The Green Inferno.

Setting: Western
Plot: Rescue
Tone: Drama / Gorefest