George Clooney

Three Kings (1999) - 1/5

This movie purports to be an action comedy, but every joke is just something sad that the audience is expected to laugh at. The action is passably mediocre, and the narrative twists and turns are boring.

Closest comparison: It’s like Tears of the Sun by way of Four Brothers.

Setting: War
Plot: Tragedy
Tone: Drama

Solaris (2002) - 3/5

This movie is a pretty faithful remake of the original, complete with pensive pacing and inherent ambiguities in the plot and its resolution. It’s cerebral sci-fi that doesn’t have as much to say as it seems to think it does, using an interesting concept to propel a somewhat less interesting story.

Closest comparison: It’s like Ad Astra by way of Melancholia (2011).

Setting: Grounded Sci-Fi
Plot: Mind-Bending Sci-Fi
Tone: Dramatic Sci-Fi

Intolerable Cruelty - 3/5

This is a comedy about prenuptial agreements, a sardonic look at marriage as only the Coen brothers can create. Like the other weaker entries in their repertoire it lacks the conviction to make an actual point, undoing any potential statements the film could be making. Instead it employs comedic dissolution that undercuts any impact the plot could have had, turning it from a poignant satire into a mere farce. For all that it’s still very entertaining, well written and acted enough to form a baseline for other movies of the genre.

Closest comparison: It’s like Marriage Story by way of O, Brother Where Art Thou.

Setting: Drama
Plot: Intrigue
Tone: Dramedy

Ocean's Eleven (2001) - 4/5

This is a classic and for good reason. It’s one of the most fun heist films out there and it keeps the action snappy by pairing it with an incredible soundtrack. And it boasts some classic lines like “gaudy monstrosity” that rank right up there with other all-time greats like “you were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off”. That being said, it has its flaws. Julia Robert’s character arc is rushed and even thought the heist itself is witty there are aspects that don’t make sense upon close inspection. None of that is enough to keep this from being one of the most fun heist movies ever put to film.

Closest comparison: It’s the casino heist movie by which all others are measured.

Setting: Heist
Plot: Heist
Tone: Comedy

O Brother, Where Art Thou? - 5/5

Arguably the Coen Brothers’ best film, this movie exhibits all the characteristics of the signature Coen Brothers style: humor by repetition, beautiful cinematography, a host of famous and quirk actors, and an impeccable soundtrack. Without the direct reference to the Odyssey it would probably have been seen as having too many seeming non-sequiturs, but as it is it’s perfectly matched to the ‘source’ material. It’s a hilarious movie and constantly plays coy with the idea that there may be supernatural elements in play. Immensely quotable, immediately classic, and unforgettably quirky, this movie is certainly a timeless masterpiece.

Closest Comparison: It’s what would happen if There Will Be Blood were funny and based on the Odyssey.

Setting: The Dustbowl South
Plot: Adventure
Tone: Comedy