Holly Hunter

The Firm (1993) - 3/5

This movie is a pretty standard white collar Orwellian thriller. For the most part the paranoia and unease works well, but one of the sources of tension actually serves to undercut the stakes significantly which does this film no favors. The chase and entrapment scenes are equally exciting, and the ending wraps up most of what it needs to, although the final resolution leaves something to be desired.

Closest comparison: It’s like Enemy of the State by way of A Few Good Men.

Setting: RomCom
Plot: Thriller
Tone: Thriller

The Big Sick - 4/5

It’s difficult to make a comedy about tragic circumstances, like chronic illness, but this movie walks the line perfectly. Maybe because Kumail Nanjiani lived through it, the script is able to use its comedy to prevent the depressing narrative from taking over the tone and keeps up a smile through the tears. It never makes light of the subject matter, but makes subdued jokes alongside the documentarian day-in-the-life struggles. It’s definitely a stand-out entry among its peers, and if you have a close connection with chronic illness it’s certainly worth a watch.

Closest comparison: It’s like a non-sci-fi Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind by way of The Fault In Our Stars.

Setting: Hospital Comedy
Plot: Documentary
Tone: Drama

O Brother, Where Art Thou? - 5/5

Arguably the Coen Brothers’ best film, this movie exhibits all the characteristics of the signature Coen Brothers style: humor by repetition, beautiful cinematography, a host of famous and quirk actors, and an impeccable soundtrack. Without the direct reference to the Odyssey it would probably have been seen as having too many seeming non-sequiturs, but as it is it’s perfectly matched to the ‘source’ material. It’s a hilarious movie and constantly plays coy with the idea that there may be supernatural elements in play. Immensely quotable, immediately classic, and unforgettably quirky, this movie is certainly a timeless masterpiece.

Closest Comparison: It’s what would happen if There Will Be Blood were funny and based on the Odyssey.

Setting: The Dustbowl South
Plot: Adventure
Tone: Comedy