Andy Garcia

Smokin' Aces - 2/5

Great style, but too gratuitous violence and nudity.

Content warning: female nudity, language

Closest comparison: It’s like Free Fire by way of 6 Underground.

Setting: Action
Plot: Action
Tone: Action

Dead Again (1991) - 3/5

This movie is a time-bending psychological thriller that plays out more like modern Shakespeare than any of its contemporaries. It blends mystery, romance, and thriller in a nice overall package, but is too strange to have the staying power it could have. The film goes in more for character drama than rational explanation by the end, which is fun but nothing more.

Closest comparison: It’s like Wuthering Heights by way of Wolf (1994).

Setting: Drama
Plot: Sci-Fi
Tone: Mystery

Wrath of Man - 3/5

This movie is a solid revenge movie, with some caveats. Almost all of it is standard heist, crime, revenge movie fare, but one scene shows the aftermath of the raid of a child rape dungeon. Nothing sensitive is shown, but the implications of the furnishings combined with some extremely disturbing offscreen audio makes this movie a no-go for many who otherwise would enjoy the film. The rest of the movie is great, the kind of movie that would have cast Mel Gibson if it had been made in the ‘90s.

Content warning: child rape

Closest comparison: It’s like Heat by way of Ransom.

Setting: Heist
Plot: Revenge
Tone: Crime

Black Rain - 4/5

This film noir flew under the radar despite being directed by the legendary Ridley Scott. It’s got a fun, gritty feel without actually portraying the scum that seems like it might lurk around every corner. The main character is hard-boiled and almost likable despite himself. The setting is almost a character unto itself, and the movie showcases the surreptitious Japanese underground instead of relying on its few action setpieces. This is a great entry into the genre, and it’s a shame that it’s been relegated to obscurity.

Closest comparison: It’s like a small scale ‘The Untouchables’ by way of Blade Runner.

Setting: Modern Noir
Plot: Buddy Cop
Tone: Cyberpunk

Ocean's Eleven (2001) - 4/5

This is a classic and for good reason. It’s one of the most fun heist films out there and it keeps the action snappy by pairing it with an incredible soundtrack. And it boasts some classic lines like “gaudy monstrosity” that rank right up there with other all-time greats like “you were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off”. That being said, it has its flaws. Julia Robert’s character arc is rushed and even thought the heist itself is witty there are aspects that don’t make sense upon close inspection. None of that is enough to keep this from being one of the most fun heist movies ever put to film.

Closest comparison: It’s the casino heist movie by which all others are measured.

Setting: Heist
Plot: Heist
Tone: Comedy