Ridley Scott

Black Rain - 4/5

This film noir flew under the radar despite being directed by the legendary Ridley Scott. It’s got a fun, gritty feel without actually portraying the scum that seems like it might lurk around every corner. The main character is hard-boiled and almost likable despite himself. The setting is almost a character unto itself, and the movie showcases the surreptitious Japanese underground instead of relying on its few action setpieces. This is a great entry into the genre, and it’s a shame that it’s been relegated to obscurity.

Closest comparison: It’s like a small scale ‘The Untouchables’ by way of Blade Runner.

Setting: Modern Noir
Plot: Buddy Cop
Tone: Cyberpunk

Legend (1985) - 3/5

This movie is campy and covered in glitter, but it’s also kind of great. I mean, with Ridley Scott, Tom Cruise, Tim Curry, and Mia Sara in an ‘80s fantasy how can you go wrong? The location designs and most of the costume designs are outstanding, though the camera work is too cagey and claustrophobic to showcase them in as epic a fashion as, say, the Lord of the Rings. It has a fairy tale story that will seem too childish for adults, and a dark side that may be too scary for younger children. Still, Tim Curry’s performance and the devil horns he wears truly live up to the movie’s name.

Closest comparison: It’s like Indiana Jones by way of The Storyteller (1987).

Setting: 80’s Fantasy
Plot: Fairy Tale
Tone: Adventure

Gladiator - 5/5

This movie is a classic for good reason. At first glance it may seem like just your average action flick, but the deep philosophical threads that run through it make for a rich, thoughtful core to grapple with intellectually. The few shots of CG are used sparingly and at a distance, which has allowed it to age well over the years. The action scenes have become deservedly iconic, but Hans Zimmer’s score is legendary and far outshines all the other top-tier aspects of the movie.

Closest comparison: Braveheart with more philosophy, in Rome.

Setting: Historical
Tone: Drama
Plot: Action