Connie Nielsen

Soldier (1998) - 3/5

This movie has more military setpieces than action scenes, preferring the fighter-turned-lover narrative over stock spectacle, and it works pretty well. Kurt Russell brings the perfect combination of badass and pathos to the role, and the story doesn’t get in its own way or overcomplicate things.

Closest comparison: It’s like Unchained by way of Enemy Mine.

Setting: Sci-fi
Plot: Redemption
Tone: Action

Nobody (2021) - 4/5

This movie is superficially a retread of the John Wick formula, but has enough going for it that it stands on its own. There’s a strong establishment of character and motive distinct from other films like John Wick and A History of Violence that it’s fun to watch both for different reasons. This film is more grounded and less stylized than John Wick, and plays the patient man’s violent breakout with more of a knowing wink to the audience. It’s a fun movie that knows it’s fun and doesn’t unnecessarily overcomplicate things.

Closest comparison: It’s like John Wick meets Home Alone.

Setting: Action
Plot: Action
Tone: Action

Gladiator - 5/5

This movie is a classic for good reason. At first glance it may seem like just your average action flick, but the deep philosophical threads that run through it make for a rich, thoughtful core to grapple with intellectually. The few shots of CG are used sparingly and at a distance, which has allowed it to age well over the years. The action scenes have become deservedly iconic, but Hans Zimmer’s score is legendary and far outshines all the other top-tier aspects of the movie.

Closest comparison: Braveheart with more philosophy, in Rome.

Setting: Historical
Tone: Drama
Plot: Action