Richard Harris

The Cassandra Crossing - 3/5

This is a competent disaster movie, incorporating vehicle, disease, and political corruption in a well-balanced combo. Unfortunately much of the drama is moot. We know what the problems are that the characters are trying to figure out for much of the time, but it’s still played for suspense without realizing it’s undercut its own tension. There’s a good bait-and-switch mini-mystery and several exciting sequences that keep the film from going under, and at the end of the day it still lands on its feet.

Closest comparison: It’s like Unstoppable by way of Murder on the Orient Express (1974).

Setting: Disaster
Plot: Political Thriller
Tone: Thriller

Gladiator - 5/5

This movie is a classic for good reason. At first glance it may seem like just your average action flick, but the deep philosophical threads that run through it make for a rich, thoughtful core to grapple with intellectually. The few shots of CG are used sparingly and at a distance, which has allowed it to age well over the years. The action scenes have become deservedly iconic, but Hans Zimmer’s score is legendary and far outshines all the other top-tier aspects of the movie.

Closest comparison: Braveheart with more philosophy, in Rome.

Setting: Historical
Tone: Drama
Plot: Action