
Gladiator - 5/5

This movie is a classic for good reason. At first glance it may seem like just your average action flick, but the deep philosophical threads that run through it make for a rich, thoughtful core to grapple with intellectually. The few shots of CG are used sparingly and at a distance, which has allowed it to age well over the years. The action scenes have become deservedly iconic, but Hans Zimmer’s score is legendary and far outshines all the other top-tier aspects of the movie.

Closest comparison: Braveheart with more philosophy, in Rome.

Setting: Historical
Tone: Drama
Plot: Action

Hidden Figures (2017) - 4/5

This is a heartwarming family-based movie about three black women overcoming racism and sexism at NASA in the 1960's. The mathy-parts are stylized so anyone watching who doesn't understand the higher math being used won't be lost. Unfortunately, there's not enough of that math on-screen for those who do understand it, and the little they reference directly is hit-or-miss for accuracy. It will likely appeal more to fans of NASA, anti-racism, and John Glenn than fans of mathematics. The story is well told and the actors have some really good chemistry. It's a really good version of what you would expect to get from the trailers.

Dunkirk - 5/5

This movie is awesome to watch. Not 'fun' like a lot of other war movies try to be, but the experience is intense and I can't think of anything they should have done differently. There are very loud parts in this movie (and rightly so), but if you're sensitive to loud noises wait til it comes out on DVD. The cinematography is beautiful and the storytelling is fascinating. Also don't go if you have a weak heart; this movie is tense for most of its runtime.

Edit: On a second viewing there is a lot more to catch. I didn't realize quite so many of the secenes are played back later from a different perspective, and many of the earlier scenes take on a new meaning when you watch them knowing what's going on elsewhere/elsewhen. Still a great film, and I stand by my 5/5 rating.