Taraji P. Henson

Smokin' Aces - 2/5

Great style, but too gratuitous violence and nudity.

Content warning: female nudity, language

Closest comparison: It’s like Free Fire by way of 6 Underground.

Setting: Action
Plot: Action
Tone: Action

Ralph Breaks the Internet - 2/5

It’s very modern feminist, to the extent that if whether you enjoy the movie will be largely determined by whether you agree with modern feminism. Beyond that, though, there are several structural issues with the movie. For example, the film invents a character flaw for Ralph just so he can have a flaw to work through in the climax of the film. It’s not too far fetched, but it’s not well-established. In the attempt to promote women, all of the women in the film either don’t have flaws or don’t have their flaws addressed at all, which makes the characters universally bland and uninteresting. Still, there are a few shining lines of comedy and insight that are quickly passed over but are great while they’re being spoken.

Closest comparison: It’s like a cross between Wreck-It Ralph and the Emoji Movie.

Hidden Figures (2017) - 4/5

This is a heartwarming family-based movie about three black women overcoming racism and sexism at NASA in the 1960's. The mathy-parts are stylized so anyone watching who doesn't understand the higher math being used won't be lost. Unfortunately, there's not enough of that math on-screen for those who do understand it, and the little they reference directly is hit-or-miss for accuracy. It will likely appeal more to fans of NASA, anti-racism, and John Glenn than fans of mathematics. The story is well told and the actors have some really good chemistry. It's a really good version of what you would expect to get from the trailers.