Cillian Murphy

Free Fire - 2/5

This move is just a long shootout, with enough setup to know the characters and what’s going on. It keeps you guessing initially about when the fight will start, and for the most part the action is pretty cool. It sticks to a more gritty realism tone than many other movies of this genre, but that only makes the more unbelievable aspects jarring when they come up. And instead of weaving the narrative into a cohesive surprise turn or diatribe against gun running, it basically just ends.

Closest comparison: It’s like the shootouts from The Salton Sea without the context of story or a satisfying ending.

Setting: Crime
Plot: Action
Tone: Action

Sunshine - 5/5

Not only is this movie gorgeous right out of the gate, it also has a top notch slow burn thriller pacing. The musical score is definitely pulling its weight here, bringing both the weight of grandeur and a beautiful framework for the story, all the while digging its spurs into the tension. This movie is solidly character-driven and never loses sight of the mission, but keeps practicality always in the forefront of the story. For solidly tense sci-fi that’s also fun to watch you can’t do much better than this.

Closest comparison: It’s like a cross between U-571, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and parts of The Fountain..

Setting: Sci-fi
Plot: Disaster
Tone: Thriller

Dunkirk - 5/5

This movie is awesome to watch. Not 'fun' like a lot of other war movies try to be, but the experience is intense and I can't think of anything they should have done differently. There are very loud parts in this movie (and rightly so), but if you're sensitive to loud noises wait til it comes out on DVD. The cinematography is beautiful and the storytelling is fascinating. Also don't go if you have a weak heart; this movie is tense for most of its runtime.

Edit: On a second viewing there is a lot more to catch. I didn't realize quite so many of the secenes are played back later from a different perspective, and many of the earlier scenes take on a new meaning when you watch them knowing what's going on elsewhere/elsewhen. Still a great film, and I stand by my 5/5 rating.