Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Premium Rush - 3/5

This by-the-numbers chase movie has a unique theme, with enough heart and solid action chase sequences to keep it moving.

Closest comparison: It’s like Crank by way of The Fast and The Furious.

Setting: Action
Plot: Chase
Tone: Adventure

Inception - 5/5

This movie is an instant classic, and rightly so. It is the epitome of a complex plot made simple, its cinematography is jaw-dropping, its special effects seamless. It somehow manages to deliver a strong sci-fi story and a tender romantic tragedy without losing any of the running pace or pure excitement of the adventure it’s all wrapped up in. The high-concept fabric of the film is enough to keep your mind soaring but its immaculate stakes keep the story grounded and powerful. It’s an unparalleled masterpiece and a must-watch.

Closest comparison: It’s like Existenz, but well-made.

Setting: Adventure
Plot: Cerebral Sci-Fi
Tone: Action Adventure

Looper - 4/5

Even though there are some logical holes that can be poked in the time-travel explanation used in this movie, it maintains the rules it sets up in the beginning. Of course a few plot contrivances are needed in a story like this, but it’s so well told that they’re easy to forgive. Lots of fun action and a hauntingly impressive scene illustrating the time-travel rules in this story, there’s certainly a lot to like here. Good performances really sell the world Rian Johnson created without needing a lot of heavy-handed exposition. For a more mature, action-oriented take on a Back to the Future version of time travel, look no further.

Closest Comparison: It’s Brick (2005) by way of Back to the Future

Setting: Action
Plot: Sci-fi
Tone: Action

Treasure Planet - 4/5

One of the most overlooked and underrated Disney films, Treasure Planet was ahead of its time. The blend of a computer generated world with hand drawn characters is a neat style, though some have said they don’t enjoy it, and allows for sweeping shots and beautiful world creation. It’s a great adaptation of the source material, translated into a space steampunk world. And the Goo Goo Dolls soundtrack is the perfect veneer to finish it off.

Closest comparison: Titan A.E. via Disney

Setting: Sci-fi
Plot: Adventure
Tone: Family