Leonardo DiCaprio

Inception - 5/5

This movie is an instant classic, and rightly so. It is the epitome of a complex plot made simple, its cinematography is jaw-dropping, its special effects seamless. It somehow manages to deliver a strong sci-fi story and a tender romantic tragedy without losing any of the running pace or pure excitement of the adventure it’s all wrapped up in. The high-concept fabric of the film is enough to keep your mind soaring but its immaculate stakes keep the story grounded and powerful. It’s an unparalleled masterpiece and a must-watch.

Closest comparison: It’s like Existenz, but well-made.

Setting: Adventure
Plot: Cerebral Sci-Fi
Tone: Action Adventure

The Revenant (2016) - 4/5

This movie is a cinematic tour-de-force with impressive cinematography and intense performances from the entire cast, Leo DeCaprio in particular. The story is bleak and depressing, and the movie goes to great lengths to demonstrate how realistic the situation is at every step. Its entire premise is about the crystallized intensity of one man’s will to enact vengeance and the brutality of wickedness and of the elements that he’s willing to endure to that end, and it’s equal parts riveting and difficult to watch.

Content warning: brutal, gory violence, sexual assault

Closest comparison: It’s like Last of the Mohicans (1992) by way of The Grey (2012).

Setting: Adventure
Plot: Survival
Tone: Revenge Thriller