Woody Harrelson

Venom: Let There Be Carnage - 2/5

This movie is similar to its predecessor, but with a darker, true crime vibe. Half of the runtime is dedicated to tracking down a serial killer’s past, which will be more engaging for some audience members than others. The fight scenes are fine in theory but are destroyed by shaky cam, which is especially bad given that it’s basically all CGI. But the movie really goes off the rails in the final battle, where the plot comes together just to fall apart.

Closest comparison: It’s like Venom (2018) with a dash of Se7en.

Setting: Super Hero
Plot: Super hero
Tone: True Crime

Midway (2019) - 3/5

This is a straightforward account of one of the major battles in the Pacific Theater of World War II, starting with the attack on Pearl Harbor and ending with the fight to defend the Midway Atoll. It’s an entertaining way to learn about historical events and as such the pacing is more that of a history book than a blockbuster action movie. The acting is fine; stilted in a few places, but on par for a military movie. The battles are multifaceted and interesting, and the film does a good job of keeping the audience apprised of the current tactics and stakes.

Closest comparison: It’s like Ford v Ferrari for WWII buffs.

Setting: War
Plot: War
Tone: War

The Highwaymen (Netflix) - 3/5

This movie is a solid entry in the dustbowl crime documentary genre, but nothing more. The central performances from Kevin Costner, Woody Harrelson, and the legendary Kathy Bates are wonderful, of course, but the plot is more informative than it is interesting. It has an older style of pacing which works well with the subject matter and setting, and will likely play better with older audiences than the younger, more mentally kinetic crowd. The violence is kept to a minimum, with the act always off-screen or in the distance and the emphasis lingering instead on nearby characters’ reactions. If you like the story, setting, or even just the actors it’s worth a watch, but it’s not likely to be anyone’s favorite movie.

Closest comparison: It’s like a pared-down roadshow Untouchables.

Setting > Mystery > Detective
Plot > Adventure > Buddy Cop
Tone > Drama > Biography

Zombieland - 4/5

This movie is pedal-to-the-metal funny from start to finish. Of course, it’s zombie-themed humor so if that turns your stomach then definitely skip this one. The action is fun, but it’s the interpersonal dialogue that is the real highlight of this movie. It was one of the first movies to heavily feature text digitally inserted into the space of the scene, and its comedic impact hasn’t been matched since. And it has a pitch-perfect mid-movie character turn that raises the whole movie to another level.

Closest Comparison: It’s the fun comedy version of movies like 28 Days Later and I Am Legend.

Setting: Post-Apocalyptic
Plot: Adventure
Tone: Comedy

Solo: A Star Wars Story - 3/5

First of all, it's fun seeing some of Han's backstory and all the new aliens, ships, and locations. That being said, the writing, acting, and much of the cinematography feels more like medium quality TV than multi-million dollar summer blockbuster. Thecharacter motivations are all either confusing or counterintuitive, and the plot seems to move characters around because of where they need to end up, not by natural progression. Sill, there are some fun action scenes, a few beautiful shots, and some really cool costume design. It's better than Last Jedi, but if you're hoping for Rogue One you'll be disappointed.

War for the Planet of the Apes - 3/5

It's about as good as the second one. High points are a few beautiful visuals and enjoyable character moments. Low points are grueling, bleak prison sections and immersion-breaking plot holes. There were many missed opportunities as well, where a sceneaccomplished very little and I started to get bored, but it could very easily have been dynamic, interesting, and powerful. Great CG on the apes, as always, and a standout performace from Steve Zahn.