The Highwaymen (Netflix) - 3/5

This movie is a solid entry in the dustbowl crime documentary genre, but nothing more. The central performances from Kevin Costner, Woody Harrelson, and the legendary Kathy Bates are wonderful, of course, but the plot is more informative than it is interesting. It has an older style of pacing which works well with the subject matter and setting, and will likely play better with older audiences than the younger, more mentally kinetic crowd. The violence is kept to a minimum, with the act always off-screen or in the distance and the emphasis lingering instead on nearby characters’ reactions. If you like the story, setting, or even just the actors it’s worth a watch, but it’s not likely to be anyone’s favorite movie.

Closest comparison: It’s like a pared-down roadshow Untouchables.

Setting > Mystery > Detective
Plot > Adventure > Buddy Cop
Tone > Drama > Biography