Ron Howard

The Shootist - 4/5

This movie is a thoughtful, melancholy look at the Western genre. Casting John Wayne in the lead lends a lot of depth to the role, since the film is an introspection on the kinds of films he’s known for starring in. It’s not heavy on action, though there’s enough, and the narrative is more interested in what it is to be a gunfighter and what that does to someone over a lifetime of violence. It’s a well-conceived story and excellently acted, definitely worth a watch for anyone who’s a fan of the classic John Wayne westerns.

Closest comparison: It’s like Wild Strawberries by way of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.

Setting: Western
Plot: Reminiscence
Tone: Drama

Solo: A Star Wars Story - 3/5

First of all, it's fun seeing some of Han's backstory and all the new aliens, ships, and locations. That being said, the writing, acting, and much of the cinematography feels more like medium quality TV than multi-million dollar summer blockbuster. Thecharacter motivations are all either confusing or counterintuitive, and the plot seems to move characters around because of where they need to end up, not by natural progression. Sill, there are some fun action scenes, a few beautiful shots, and some really cool costume design. It's better than Last Jedi, but if you're hoping for Rogue One you'll be disappointed.