Jesse Eisenberg

The Social Network - 4/5

This is a fairly straightforward telling of the Facebook founder’s story, that is apparently vaguely accurate. David Fincher is a master class unto himself on how to make boring things interesting.

Closest comparison: It’s like The Founder by way of American Animals.

Setting: Coming of Age
Plot: Docudrama
Tone: Drama

Café Society - 2/5

This this is a depressing tragedy of human moral weakness. It’s has great sets and costuming, but its main actors are miscast in their roles and struggle to melt into them. The story starts out witty and smart, but after the tragic drama begins finds itself unable to find purpose for its own existence. If you’re in the mood for a flashy dramedy with lots of pointless melodrama that never resolves then this is the film for you.

Closest comparison: It’s like Marriage Story by way of The Great Gadsby.

Setting: Romance
Plot: Tragedy
Tone: Comedy

American Ultra - 2/5

This movie is a good example of what happens when a thriller gets bogged down with exposition. The tension loses its snap, the action is too little and too spaced out to be a main draw, and the unsubstantive characters make the main plot twist equally uninteresting. It has a good idea at the base of it, which makes it all the more disappointing when the delivery is botched.

Closest comparison: It’s like Pineapple Express by way of the Borne Identity.

Setting: Rural Drama
Plot: Secret Agent
Tone: Tragedy

Zombieland - 4/5

This movie is pedal-to-the-metal funny from start to finish. Of course, it’s zombie-themed humor so if that turns your stomach then definitely skip this one. The action is fun, but it’s the interpersonal dialogue that is the real highlight of this movie. It was one of the first movies to heavily feature text digitally inserted into the space of the scene, and its comedic impact hasn’t been matched since. And it has a pitch-perfect mid-movie character turn that raises the whole movie to another level.

Closest Comparison: It’s the fun comedy version of movies like 28 Days Later and I Am Legend.

Setting: Post-Apocalyptic
Plot: Adventure
Tone: Comedy