Thomasin McKenzie

Old (2021) - 3/5

This movie is a high-concept sci-fi about what it means to live a fulfilling life, wrapped in uncomfortable psychological horror vestments, executed in a rough indie stage play aesthetic. Most people are going to be turned off by at least one of these elements. It manages to cram in an expansive itinerary of tragic life events, and dwells on them more than the cerebral sci-fi aficionados and armchair philosophers will be comfortable with. I’m not sure who this movie is for, but it’s just well-executed enough that whoever that is will probably enjoy it quite a bit.

Content warning: brief female nudity, infant death

Closest comparison: It’s like Life is Beautiful by way of Split.

Setting: Vacation Adventure
Plot: Cerebral Sci-Fi
Tone: Psychological Horror

Last Night in Soho - 5/5

This is a horror movie about the casting couch and bloody murders. If those themes make you think twice this is not a movie for you. But if you’re going to make a movie about this subject matter, this is the best there is. It’s intense and gut-wrenching when it needs to be, and only gives the audience laughs and endearing moments to use against them later. Wright uses Hitchcockian suspense to move from thriller to horror by being more brutal than Hitchcock ever was.

Content warning: coerced prostitution, bloody murder

Closest comparison: This movie is at the intersection of Sweeney Toddy, Neon Demon, and Baby Driver.

Setting: RomCom
Plot: Ghost Story
Tone: Horror

Jojo Rabbit - 5/5

This is a masterfully executed film that strides effortlessly between gut-busting comedy and gut-wrenching tragedy. Instead of poking fun at the hardships of German civilians in World War II as its main source of comedy the movie uses comedy to underscore the seriousness of the situation. The acting, score, and cinematography are all excellent, but the editing stands out and at times makes the movie feel like something directed by Wes Anderson or Edgar Wright. It’s deeply fascinating and bone-chillingly accurate in its absurdism.

Closest comparison: It like a cross between Moonrise Kingdom and The Pianist (2002).

Setting: Wartime
Plot: Coming of Age
Tone: Comedy / Tragedy