Terence Stamp

Last Night in Soho - 5/5

This is a horror movie about the casting couch and bloody murders. If those themes make you think twice this is not a movie for you. But if you’re going to make a movie about this subject matter, this is the best there is. It’s intense and gut-wrenching when it needs to be, and only gives the audience laughs and endearing moments to use against them later. Wright uses Hitchcockian suspense to move from thriller to horror by being more brutal than Hitchcock ever was.

Content warning: coerced prostitution, bloody murder

Closest comparison: This movie is at the intersection of Sweeney Toddy, Neon Demon, and Baby Driver.

Setting: RomCom
Plot: Ghost Story
Tone: Horror

Young Guns - 3/5

This movie is a fun western-style romp, complete with shootouts and its own ‘brat pack’-style protagonist gang. On paper it addresses the perils of sanctioned revenge, but in practice it glorifies the reckless adventure of it all. There’s the carelessness for human life that all westerns fall prey to, but it doesn’t dwell on it the way some do.

Closest comparison: It’s like Hang ‘Em High by way of The Quick and the Dead, with a soundtrack from Ladyhawke.

Setting: Western
Plot: Revenge
Tone: Adventure

Murder Mystery (Netflix, 2019) - 3/5

This movie is much better than many of Adam Sandler’s previous attempts at relationship cringe comedy. The cringe takes a back seat to better comedy and there are plenty of other funny moments to focus on instead. The mystery is about at the level of a good TV episode and serves to moves the plot along, but eagle-eyed viewers trying to solve the case before the end will be disappointed with eleventh-hour information reveals that are crucial to the solution. Still, it’s told well and a fun time if you just go along for the ride.

Closest comparison: It’s like an Adam Sandler comedy made out of an Agatha Christie mystery.

Setting: Adventure
Plot: Mystery
Tone: Comedy