Emilio Estevez

Young Guns - 3/5

This movie is a fun western-style romp, complete with shootouts and its own ‘brat pack’-style protagonist gang. On paper it addresses the perils of sanctioned revenge, but in practice it glorifies the reckless adventure of it all. There’s the carelessness for human life that all westerns fall prey to, but it doesn’t dwell on it the way some do.

Closest comparison: It’s like Hang ‘Em High by way of The Quick and the Dead, with a soundtrack from Ladyhawke.

Setting: Western
Plot: Revenge
Tone: Adventure

National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1 - 4/5

This movie is a self-aware all-out parody that loves its over-the-top silliness and doesn’t hold back. The comedic timing, though somewhat subjective, is on point here and Emilio Estevez is in top form as the self-serious straight man along with Samuel L. Jackson being himself. The references to other films of the era are direct and overt, but the gags are broad enough to still be funny out of context. The gratuitous nudity scene typical of National Lampoon is not present in this movie, and the bedroom humor is all direct scene parody of its contemporary films. There’s a lot to like here and its short runtime doesn’t overstay its welcome.

Closest comparison: It’s like Lethal Weapon by way of Police Squad.

Setting: Buddy Cop
Plot: Buddy Cop
Tone: Screwball Comedy