Terry O'Quinn

Primal Fear - 1/5

This movie is a solid courtroom drama wrapped around a sordid child sex case. The ending doesn’t do justice to the subject matter, and the court proceedings aren’t gripping enough to overlook it. And knowing where the narrative is headed takes the tension out of the preceding scenes.

Content warning: language, female nudity

Closest comparison: It’s like American Beauty by way of A Few Good Men.

Setting: Courtroom Drama
Plot: Detective
Tone: Sordid Drama

Young Guns - 3/5

This movie is a fun western-style romp, complete with shootouts and its own ‘brat pack’-style protagonist gang. On paper it addresses the perils of sanctioned revenge, but in practice it glorifies the reckless adventure of it all. There’s the carelessness for human life that all westerns fall prey to, but it doesn’t dwell on it the way some do.

Closest comparison: It’s like Hang ‘Em High by way of The Quick and the Dead, with a soundtrack from Ladyhawke.

Setting: Western
Plot: Revenge
Tone: Adventure

Blind Fury (1989) - 3/5

This movie starts off with high-competence action and ends off with a little too much goofy slapstick. The premise is solid and it’s ultimately a fun ‘80s action romp, though some of the blind swordsman antics are somewhat less than believable. It’s a mishmash of genres which may put some people off, but it manages to tie it together pretty well in the end.

Closest comparison: It’s walking the line between Lethal Weapon and Three Ninjas.

Setting: Road Trip
Plot: On-The-Run
Tone: Action