Rutger Hauer

Iron Mask (2019) - 2/5

This movie is bafflingly well-produced for its low-tier plot, effects, and acting. It somehow alternates between over- and under-acting, with effects and sets that feel like Big Trouble In Little China. The costuming and style is great, but it can’t save this movie’s campiness.

Closest comparison: It’s like Jupiter Ascending by way of The Great Wall.

Setting: Fantasy
Plot: Revolution
Tone: Adventure

Blind Fury (1989) - 3/5

This movie starts off with high-competence action and ends off with a little too much goofy slapstick. The premise is solid and it’s ultimately a fun ‘80s action romp, though some of the blind swordsman antics are somewhat less than believable. It’s a mishmash of genres which may put some people off, but it manages to tie it together pretty well in the end.

Closest comparison: It’s walking the line between Lethal Weapon and Three Ninjas.

Setting: Road Trip
Plot: On-The-Run
Tone: Action