M. Night Shayamalan

Old (2021) - 3/5

This movie is a high-concept sci-fi about what it means to live a fulfilling life, wrapped in uncomfortable psychological horror vestments, executed in a rough indie stage play aesthetic. Most people are going to be turned off by at least one of these elements. It manages to cram in an expansive itinerary of tragic life events, and dwells on them more than the cerebral sci-fi aficionados and armchair philosophers will be comfortable with. I’m not sure who this movie is for, but it’s just well-executed enough that whoever that is will probably enjoy it quite a bit.

Content warning: brief female nudity, infant death

Closest comparison: It’s like Life is Beautiful by way of Split.

Setting: Vacation Adventure
Plot: Cerebral Sci-Fi
Tone: Psychological Horror

Glass - 4/5

This movie is a direct sequel to director M. Night Shayamalan’s previous movie, Split, and continues the plot and the tone from that film. In his signature style it’s slow and expects its audience to be observant, although the ending is more of a surprise and less of a twist than many of his previous films. It keeps you guessing and doubting yourself the whole time, constantly trying to stay one step ahead of the film and knowing you’re not. Classic Shayamalan.

Closest Comparison: It’s in the vein of Split or Unbreakable.

Setting: Modern
Plot: Heist/Escape
Tone: Thriller

The Visit - 4/5

This is Shayamalan's second film after the Last Airbender fiasco. It's a return to his light horror and small, contained story roots. The acting and script were good, and combined with the hand-held mockumentary conceit it felt very real. If you like Shayamalan movies and scary movies about crazy old people, give it a try.