Sam Rockwell

See How They Run (2022) - 4/5

This movie is an outstanding, self-aware cozy comedy that delivers impeccably on its task. It’s funny and clever, never overplaying its hand or underselling the mystery. It’s flush with style like Wes Anderson, but it never meanders aimlessly or forgets about the ending like his films can. Sam Rockwell’s accent goes in and out a bit but all of the characters, including his, are so layered that minor flaws in the performances are easy to overlook.

Closest comparison: It’s like Knives Out by way of The Grand Budapest Hotel.

Setting: Detective
Plot: Mystery
Tone: Comedy

Mr. Right (2016) - 3/5

This movie is an adorable twist on the rom-com genre by mixing it with the assassin action genre. It adds in a healthy dose of macabre humor but never strays into darker territory than your average ‘90s action flick. Its biggest flaw is ignoring real-world consequences in favor of the main romantic plot, so mileage may vary. But Anna Kendrick and Sam Rockwell have great chemistry as the leads and completely carry an otherwise lackluster film.

Closest comparison: It’s like Hitch by way of Grosse Pointe Blank.

Setting: Hitman Action
Plot: Rom Com
Tone: Action Comedy

Richard Jewell - 4/5

This movie is an intimate character portrait that masterfully juggles story, character, and pacing. It’s slow in places to get the audience into the headspace of the protagonists so that when everything starts happening at once we can follow what’s really going on. Of course Sam Rockwell and the legendary Kathy Bates are fantastic, but the true standout performance is Paul Walter Hauser who disappears into the starring role. The film is appropriately tense and somber but lets out the tension enough to keep from being too depressing. This is the way docudramas should be made.

Closest comparison: It’s like a cross between The Blind Side (2009) and The Fugitive (1993).

Setting: Family Drama
Plot: Biography
Tone: Tragedy

Jojo Rabbit - 5/5

This is a masterfully executed film that strides effortlessly between gut-busting comedy and gut-wrenching tragedy. Instead of poking fun at the hardships of German civilians in World War II as its main source of comedy the movie uses comedy to underscore the seriousness of the situation. The acting, score, and cinematography are all excellent, but the editing stands out and at times makes the movie feel like something directed by Wes Anderson or Edgar Wright. It’s deeply fascinating and bone-chillingly accurate in its absurdism.

Closest comparison: It like a cross between Moonrise Kingdom and The Pianist (2002).

Setting: Wartime
Plot: Coming of Age
Tone: Comedy / Tragedy

Iron Man 2 - 3/5

This movie does social sparring very well. Most of the time when characters are talking they are continually vying for social dominance, thrusting and parrying not so much with words as with emotions. Mickey Rourke is fantastic as Whiplash, and while his fight scenes are spectacular they always end in more of a fizzle than a crescendo. The biggest flaw with this movie is giving Tony Stark little to do except aimlessly act out, though Robert Downey Jr.’s portrayal is pitch perfect as always. Sam Rockwell also captures all of the subtlety of being an off-brand Tony Stark, but in true reflection his character also has little to do, aimlessly wandering around the plot like a lost, sassy child.

Closest comparison: It’s the gentle sequel to Iron Man (2008)

Setting: Super hero
Plot: Super hero
Tone: Action

Heist (2001) - 4/5

David Mamet movies all seem to have the same feel to them, and Heist is no exception. His dialogue may strike some viewers as stilted, but its careful construction is also one of the main draws of his films. The twisting, turning plot keeps the audience on its toes, and eagle-eyed viewers are rewarded with subtle callbacks and motivational explanations again and again. It’s a smart setup but even casual moviegoers will be able to enjoy the clever heists without some of the more nuanced aspects of the plot.

Closest comparison: Any other heist movie, by way of David Mamet.

Setting: Crime
Plot: Heist
Tone: Drama/Thriller