Alfie Allen

Jojo Rabbit - 5/5

This is a masterfully executed film that strides effortlessly between gut-busting comedy and gut-wrenching tragedy. Instead of poking fun at the hardships of German civilians in World War II as its main source of comedy the movie uses comedy to underscore the seriousness of the situation. The acting, score, and cinematography are all excellent, but the editing stands out and at times makes the movie feel like something directed by Wes Anderson or Edgar Wright. It’s deeply fascinating and bone-chillingly accurate in its absurdism.

Closest comparison: It like a cross between Moonrise Kingdom and The Pianist (2002).

Setting: Wartime
Plot: Coming of Age
Tone: Comedy / Tragedy

John Wick - 5/5

It does so many things right. Great action flick with amazing choreography and one of the best performances from Keanu Reeves ever. At the end of the third act the pace drops and there isn't a clear motivation as to why the last fight takes place. The two main combatants have only moderate motivation that's been set up beforehand as to why they're fighting, since they could have fought before but chose not to. But that's light criticism, all things considered.