David Oyelowo

See How They Run (2022) - 4/5

This movie is an outstanding, self-aware cozy comedy that delivers impeccably on its task. It’s funny and clever, never overplaying its hand or underselling the mystery. It’s flush with style like Wes Anderson, but it never meanders aimlessly or forgets about the ending like his films can. Sam Rockwell’s accent goes in and out a bit but all of the characters, including his, are so layered that minor flaws in the performances are easy to overlook.

Closest comparison: It’s like Knives Out by way of The Grand Budapest Hotel.

Setting: Detective
Plot: Mystery
Tone: Comedy

A Most Violent Year (2014) - 2/5

It’s not that there’s anything wrong with the idea behind this movie, and the acting and cinematography are excellent. It’s just too slow to end up with little to no point justifying its existence. The stakes are always murkily abstract and the main characters don’t even seem to know how to accomplish them. Each potential solution is introduced almost immediately before being resolved, so the whole movie seems like its treading water.

Closest comparison: It’s like Wall Street (1987) by way of Inside Llewyn Davis.

Setting: Business Drama
Plot: Difficult Times
Tone: Slow Burn Drama