Stephen King

Cujo - 1/5

This movie is so simple it’s uninteresting. Much of the ‘horror’ could have been avoided if the characters had possessed a basic level of competency. It’s not so much tense as it is infuriating to see multiple obvious ways every scenario could be avoided, which undercuts the entire point of the movie.

Closest comparison: It’s like Crawl by way of Phone Booth, both of which are much better than this.

Setting: Rural Drama
Plot: Creature Thriller
Tone: Rural Horror

IT (2017) - 5/5

This movie is terrifying. If you don't like horror movies do not go see it. However, the film making on display is absolutely outstanding. Cinematography, writing, editing, music, acting, everything is top notch. There is a lot of swearing (especially from the kids), and some kids get killed so, again, this film is not for everyone. But for what it's trying to do it does brilliantly.