Lewis Teague

Cujo - 1/5

This movie is so simple it’s uninteresting. Much of the ‘horror’ could have been avoided if the characters had possessed a basic level of competency. It’s not so much tense as it is infuriating to see multiple obvious ways every scenario could be avoided, which undercuts the entire point of the movie.

Closest comparison: It’s like Crawl by way of Phone Booth, both of which are much better than this.

Setting: Rural Drama
Plot: Creature Thriller
Tone: Rural Horror

Navy Seals (1990) - 3/5

This is a solid ‘90s action movie that portrays the combat much more realistically than many of its contemporaries, though still very much a popcorn action flick. It’s focused on its ‘life of a seal team’ narrative and allows the winding events to play out in support of its story. There’s not much more to this movie beyond what you would expect, which is both its charm and its downfall.

Closest comparison: It’s like Act of Valor (2012) by way of Point Break (1991).

Setting: Stealth Mission
Plot: Geopolitical Thriller
Tone: ‘90s Action