David Cross

Megamind - 3/5

This movie has the difficult task of trying to reverse the hero-villain roles and, although it makes a few large tonal inconsistencies with who the audience is supposed to be rooting fort, for the most part the film makers pull it off very well. The irresistibly funny banter helps to gloss over some of the more confusing story elements that play out on screen. Will Farrell and Tina Fey are great together, not to mention the several times the plot takes a surprising, unexpected, but very much appreciated twists and turns. And the very clever attention to detail that gets layered into the fabric of the story, from eye color to dress color to subtly rehydrating trash doing triple duty in a narrative capacity, really stands out among an otherwise run-of-the-mill animated comedy.

Closest comparison: It’s the studio that made Monsters vs. Aliens taking a shot at the more subtle and complex Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs market.

Setting: Super Hero
Plot: Romantic Drama
Tone: Comedy Action

Next Gen (Netflix) - 4/5

Not only is this movie a lot of fun, it has better story telling in the opening credits than most blockbuster movies these days have in their entire runtimes. The world-building is seamless and avoids being preachy, advocating for temperance where lesser films would have aimed at vilification. It’s funny, with precise timing and delivery that made me laugh a lot. The central conflict is interesting and unique, but also integrates with the characters’ history and motivations. The bully side plot was unfortunately not handled well, with its resolution being so simplistic and hand-waved that it is almost insulting to both bullies and their victims. Still, there are so many other things that are good about this movie that they overshadow its flaws.

Closest comparison: Its premise is similar to Big Hero 6, but it plays out more like I, Robot (2004)

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) - 5/5

This is a movie that starts off fairly normal, gets weird and surreal in the middle, and then somehow manages to resolve in a surprisingly simple and straightforward ending. Jim Carrey is at his best and delivers an amazing, moving performance, and Kate Winslet has a lot of chemistry with him. Since many of the special effects were achieved in-camera and with precision editing, it still holds up after 14 years. Like all good sci-fi, it manages to be simultaneously high-concept and personally relatable. It’s a modern classic for good reason, and a must-see film fans.

Closest Comparison: It’s like Requiem for a Dream, but with hopeful realism in place of gritty despair.

Setting: Modern
Tone: Drama
Plot: Sci-fi