Jason Sudeikis

Colossal (2016) - 2/5

This movie has a solid pulp sci-fi setup that doesn’t know where to go with the premise. It pretends to be about abusive relationships but has very muddled messaging that wrecks the landing. Characters do dumb, out-of-character things apparently to pad the runtime, and the resolution doesn’t make up for the annoyance along the way.

Closest comparison: It’s like the small-town self-reflection of The Majestic combined with the one-note indie sci-fi of Primer.

Setting: Small Town Drama
Plot: Short Story Sci-Fi
Tone: Relationship Drama

Next Gen (Netflix) - 4/5

Not only is this movie a lot of fun, it has better story telling in the opening credits than most blockbuster movies these days have in their entire runtimes. The world-building is seamless and avoids being preachy, advocating for temperance where lesser films would have aimed at vilification. It’s funny, with precise timing and delivery that made me laugh a lot. The central conflict is interesting and unique, but also integrates with the characters’ history and motivations. The bully side plot was unfortunately not handled well, with its resolution being so simplistic and hand-waved that it is almost insulting to both bullies and their victims. Still, there are so many other things that are good about this movie that they overshadow its flaws.

Closest comparison: Its premise is similar to Big Hero 6, but it plays out more like I, Robot (2004)