Michael Peña

Moonfall - 2/5

This movie is a lot of fun, but completely braindead. It’s twice as long as it needs to be and keeps trying to inject useless drama into what is clearly a sci-fi disaster flick.

Closest comparison: It’s like 2012 by way of The Day After Tomorrow.

Setting: Adventure
Plot: Disaster
Tone: Action

A Wrinkle in Time (2018) - 2/5

There’s nothing in this movie that’s particularly interesting. It has no reason to exist apart from the obvious cash grab. Chris Pine’s performance is the standout feature; it’s spectacular and almost makes the rest of the movie worth watching. Everyone else looks bored, and the extensive CGI effects don’t integrate well with the scenes they’re used in, which results in something that looks more like large-scale sci-fi channel effects than a Disney blockbuster. It’s bright and colorful, but that can’t make up for lack of acting, plot, and purpose.

Closest comparison: It’s a big budget Disney Channel movie.

Setting: Fantasy
Plot: Adventure
Tone: Family

Next Gen (Netflix) - 4/5

Not only is this movie a lot of fun, it has better story telling in the opening credits than most blockbuster movies these days have in their entire runtimes. The world-building is seamless and avoids being preachy, advocating for temperance where lesser films would have aimed at vilification. It’s funny, with precise timing and delivery that made me laugh a lot. The central conflict is interesting and unique, but also integrates with the characters’ history and motivations. The bully side plot was unfortunately not handled well, with its resolution being so simplistic and hand-waved that it is almost insulting to both bullies and their victims. Still, there are so many other things that are good about this movie that they overshadow its flaws.

Closest comparison: Its premise is similar to Big Hero 6, but it plays out more like I, Robot (2004)

Ant-Man and the Wasp - 4/5

This movie is a comedy and I think it's hilarious. Not all the jokes land, but they recover quickly from those that don't. Luckily, even if the humor doesn't work for you there's still enough of a movie to make it worth watching. They've taken the criticisms from the first movie about the villain to heart, and the antagonist here is character driven with a nuanced relationship to the heroes. Lots of popcorn-crunching spectacular fun to be had and beautiful, colorful visuals, though the issues with physics persist from the first movie. All in all, it's even better than its predecessor and definitely worth a watch.