John Krasinski

Free Guy - 2/5

This movie is hilarious, but the plot and world building are horrible. It takes a whole scene to set up a certain mechanic early on in the film, and the one time that mechanic comes back into play it completely breaks its own rules. If the story beats were even sort of passable this movie would be great because of how funny it is, but the movie goes out of its way to explain normal things that need no explanation in such a way as to make no sense at all.

Closest comparison: It’s like Ready Player One by way of Divergent.

Setting: Sci-Fi
Plot: Dystopia
Tone: Comedy

Next Gen (Netflix) - 4/5

Not only is this movie a lot of fun, it has better story telling in the opening credits than most blockbuster movies these days have in their entire runtimes. The world-building is seamless and avoids being preachy, advocating for temperance where lesser films would have aimed at vilification. It’s funny, with precise timing and delivery that made me laugh a lot. The central conflict is interesting and unique, but also integrates with the characters’ history and motivations. The bully side plot was unfortunately not handled well, with its resolution being so simplistic and hand-waved that it is almost insulting to both bullies and their victims. Still, there are so many other things that are good about this movie that they overshadow its flaws.

Closest comparison: Its premise is similar to Big Hero 6, but it plays out more like I, Robot (2004)

A Quiet Place - 5/5

This is one of the easiest ratings I've ever given. This movie is on par with the best of Hitchcock, Shayamalan, or Stephen King. The sound editing easily deserves an Oscar, and John Krasinski is amazing both as an actor and director. All the performances are deep and heartfelt, making the tension that much greater. The tension never really lets up for the duration, which would normally be a detriment but in this movie it's perfect. Very scary, very good, definitely worth watching if you like that kind of thing.