Elijah Wood

Over the Garden Wall - 5/5

This is easily one of the greatest works of animation bar none, and an obvious 5/5. The music is beautifully melancholy, sometimes funny sometimes sombre in perfect step with the winding tone of the narrative. It’s firing on so many cylinders that the audience can thoroughly enjoy it at any level of analysis, from the funny jokes to the deeper themes to the meta analysis of the use of overarching structure for tension and payoff. This is an unparalleled masterpiece from start to finish and a must watch for anyone who likes a little spookiness in their stories.

Closest comparison: It’s like a cross between Nightmare Before Christmas and Adventure Time, but with an order of magnitude more depth.

Setting: Folk Tale
Plot: Wandering Adventure
Tone: Spooky Comedy

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) - 5/5

This is a movie that starts off fairly normal, gets weird and surreal in the middle, and then somehow manages to resolve in a surprisingly simple and straightforward ending. Jim Carrey is at his best and delivers an amazing, moving performance, and Kate Winslet has a lot of chemistry with him. Since many of the special effects were achieved in-camera and with precision editing, it still holds up after 14 years. Like all good sci-fi, it manages to be simultaneously high-concept and personally relatable. It’s a modern classic for good reason, and a must-see film fans.

Closest Comparison: It’s like Requiem for a Dream, but with hopeful realism in place of gritty despair.

Setting: Modern
Tone: Drama
Plot: Sci-fi