Steven Spielberg

Jaws (1975) - 5/5

This film is so classic it has become background noise in the world of cinema, but it’s still as thrilling as ever. Spielberg’s cinematography is on full master class display to conduct the audience’s emotions, including one of — if not THE — most famous shots of all time. Its light horror vibes suggest an older audience, but it somehow manages to maintain a Spielbergian mostly family-friendly demeanor. It’s much more slow-paced than its reputation may suggest, though fans of Spielberg’s other works will feel right at home.

Content warning: brief female nudity

Closest comparison: It’s like Alien by way of E.T.

Setting: Vacation
Plot: Adventure
Tone: Thriller

Jurassic Park (1993) - 5/5

What is there to say about Jurassic Park? It’s a timeless classic. Almost all of the special effects are practical and flawless, and the few CGI shots hold up surprisingly well. The tone impeccably rides the line between pop horror and family adventure with aplomb. The plot, dialog, delivery, and cinematography are each so masterfully crafted that almost every scene is culturally iconic.

Closest comparison: It’s like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory by way of The Lost World (1960).

Setting: Exploration
Plot: Horror
Tone: Adventure

Ready Player One - 3/5

This movie is a fun popcorn flick, but there's no real depth to it. It's pretty, has lots of fun references, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Since it's Universal Studios and Steven Spielberg, they were able to get a staggering number of intellectual property licenses, and it's fun seeing them all interacting like they would if the Oasis were a real place. The plot provides enough reason for there to be car races, dance numbers, and massive battles all in the same movie, but it's about as philosophically deep as National Treasure (that is to say, not very). If you enjoy pop culture from the 1980's until now, it's definitely worth a watch.