Laura Dern

Jurassic Park (1993) - 5/5

What is there to say about Jurassic Park? It’s a timeless classic. Almost all of the special effects are practical and flawless, and the few CGI shots hold up surprisingly well. The tone impeccably rides the line between pop horror and family adventure with aplomb. The plot, dialog, delivery, and cinematography are each so masterfully crafted that almost every scene is culturally iconic.

Closest comparison: It’s like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory by way of The Lost World (1960).

Setting: Exploration
Plot: Horror
Tone: Adventure

Marriage Story (Netflix, 2019) - 2/5

This is a well-crafted film that would have been better named Divorce Story. It’s slow and sad, focusing on realism in the portrayal of the characters than it does on having an interesting or meaningful story. It often seems to actively avoid portraying anything meaningful, and instead portrays nihilistic existentialism as the inescapable norm. It’s solidly produced in all other respects.

Closest comparison: It’s like While We’re Young (2014) with more futile shouting.

Setting: Modern Drama
Plot: Family Drama
Tone: Nihilistic Drama