Jonathan Groff

The Matrix Resurrections - 1/5

This movie would be hillariously bad if it weren’t so boring. It makes incessant references to the previous films, calls them out, and goes nowhere with them beyond surface-level nostalgic fan service. Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss are fine doing their standard routine, but Jessica Henwick and Neil Patrick Harris bust out great performances for what they’re worth. The messaging is very muddled, and usually shakes out to mean the opposite of what it is meant to. The action is downright pitiful, all close-up shaky-cam nonsense with no sense of who is doing what or even what the stakes are most of the time; it’s easily the worst action I’ve seen all year.

Closest comparison: It’s like The Matrix: Reloaded by way of Jupiter Ascending.

Setting: Sci-Fi
Plot: Hidden World
Tone: Coffee Shop Drama

Frozen II - 2/5

This movie is unable to escape from the shadow of its predecessor. For one thing, it is careful to ensure that all of the characters you might have liked from Frozen are back, regardless of whether they fit into the story this movie is telling. The songs are big, centerpiece moments but none of them are able to recapture the phenomenon that was ‘Let It Go’, despite their best efforts. The visuals are gorgeous again, and if your kids love the first one then it’s a pretty harmless way to pass 103 minutes; adults are likely to be much less impressed.

Closest comparison: It’s the best ‘2’ from Disney Animation Studios, for whatever that’s worth.

Setting: Fantasy
Plot: Adventure
Tone: Family