Philip Seymour Hoffman

State and Main - 3/5

This movie is the standard David Mamet formula in a fun, small-town comedy. It’s sufficiently interesting and fairly funny, but best of all it doesn’t overstay its welcome.

Closest comparison: It’s like The Holiday by way of The Spanish Prisoner.

Setting: Small Town Drama
Plot: Comedy of Errors
Tone: Slow-burn Comedy

Hard Eight - 3/5

This movie is a gambler drama, more focused on the family-style dynamics and hotel room banter than the actual gambling. It uses the sleazy underbelly of the casino nightlife as the backdrop for its plot, but for the most part eschews it onscreen. John C. Reilly and Philip Baker Hall absolutely carry the film, with Gwyneth Paltrow and Sam Jackson giving solid performances as well. Dialogue and character study are the main draws here, and the story wraps up in a nice, solid ending.

Closest comparison: It’s like The Gambler by way of Punch Drunk Love.

Setting: Casino Drama
Plot: Crime Drama
Tone: Family Drama

The Big Lebowski - 3/5

Even though this quickly became a cult classic, it’s too weird and rambling to be truly great. Of course, there are some truly great moments and infinitely quotable dialogue, but then there are all the parts people forget about. It’s certainly worth a watch if you haven’t seen it, just for the cultural touchpoint, but it doesn’t even really have a point beyond ‘look at all the crazy stuff that’s happening’. This is what happens when ‘quirky’ goes too far and doesn’t have substance to back it up.

Closest Comparison: It’s like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by way of Fargo.

Setting: Modern
Plot: Thriller
Tone: Comedy