Jason Schwartzman

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse - 2/5

This movie is directed by a completely different team than the first film and it shows. There’s a noticeable ‘woke’ filter over everything, but even putting that aside the film has some huge flaws. It’s a 1.5 hour movie stretched out into 2.5 hours by sloppy, repetitive dialogue and a bloated script. The villain is pretty good in theory but overstays his welcome by the end, let alone anticipation for the sequel. The art styles in the first film were varied but each one was tight and well-crafted; here, most of the art styles are sloppy to the point of being unappealing and hard to read. The editing here also loses all finesse from the first film, layering audio and visual information on top of itself in a confusing, distracting mess. Some of the fights had a few good moments, though.

Closest comparison: It’s like Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse gone the way of Legend of Korra.

Setting: Super hero
Plot: Sci-fi
Tone: Comedy

Klaus (2019, Netflix) - 4/5

This is a solid re-imagining of the origins of Santa Claus. It’s pleasant and funny without being obnoxious (for the most part), though there is an overbearing anti-tradition subnarrative that’s shoehorned in. Apart from that there’s a lot to like: alternate explanations of Santa lore, endearing characters with growth, and gorgeous animation. It’s bound to become a classic in some households, but in any event it’s worth a watch.

Closest comparison: It’s like Frozen by way of The Emperor’s New Groove.

Setting: Adventure
Plot: Rich Jerk Get a Heart
Tone: Family Comedy