Norm MacDonald

Dirty Work (1998) - 2/5

This movie is a pretty standard slacker comedy with Norm Macdonald humor through and through. The comedy is crude, college-style humor which will likely tell you what sort of mileage you’ll get with this movie. It’s main deviation from the formula is a rape joke that lasts a whole scene, which substantially lowers the overall light-hearted tone of the movie.

Closest comparison: It’s like Men at Work by way of Billy Madison.

Setting: Slacker
Plot: Motivational
Tone: Comedy

Klaus (2019, Netflix) - 4/5

This is a solid re-imagining of the origins of Santa Claus. It’s pleasant and funny without being obnoxious (for the most part), though there is an overbearing anti-tradition subnarrative that’s shoehorned in. Apart from that there’s a lot to like: alternate explanations of Santa lore, endearing characters with growth, and gorgeous animation. It’s bound to become a classic in some households, but in any event it’s worth a watch.

Closest comparison: It’s like Frozen by way of The Emperor’s New Groove.

Setting: Adventure
Plot: Rich Jerk Get a Heart
Tone: Family Comedy