Benicio Del Torro

The Wolfman (2010) - 4/5

This is easily one of the best gothic horror movies to come out in the last twenty years. Sir Anthony Hopkins’ presence would dominate the screen if it weren’t for the outstandingly high caliber performances from Benicio Del Toro and Emily Blunt to match. Dark cinematography is used to gorgeous effect not only to create a palpable atmosphere but also to cleverly mask some of the dodgier moments of CGI. Despite their best efforts, the scene at the end relies too heavily on technology that wasn’t quite there. Still, if you like the theme, the throwback to old monster movies, or even just the rich landscape of nineteenth century England populated by interesting characters, then you owe it to yourself to give this one a watch.

Content warning: gore

Closest comparison: It’s an update to an old classic that improves upon the original.

Setting: Drama/Horror
Plot: Horror
Tone: Suspense

Star Wars: The Last Jedi - 2/5

So much of this movie doesn't make sense, ranging characters' motivations to what people can actually do with the Force. It has a few really good shots of cinematography, and Adam Driver's acting was spot on. Most of the rest was problematic. There were 3-4 times I thought, "That was cool", but there were a good two dozen times I thought, "That was stupid". It's too long, and there's too much talking without people saying anything. Sorry guys, the movie's just not good.

Honestly, this one was right on the border for me between a 2/5 and 3/5. There was just too much that was downright stupid in it. There were three separate times during the movie when I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes, shaking my head because the movie just made no sense.

Sicario - 4/5

Denis Villeneuve (the director) has a tendency to just let his movies trail off, which I don't particularly appreciate but which works better in this film than in his others. The acting is precise, the cinematography as always is beautiful, and the tense traffic jam scene is fantastic. While the story is engaging I find myself wanting more of a take-away than this film provides, especially with the themes it deals with. Some of the characters' motifcations were more said than acted, which I would have liked to have seen done better. All in all, though, I understand why this was so well received initially, and I recommend it to people who like modern police thrillers (and can handle seeing some cut-up bodies).