sexual assault

Wind River (2017) - 5/5

This is a 'Crying for the State of the World' film, and I can say to things about it: 1) It's very well made 2) Don't watch it. It's the kind of movie that's definitely either a 5/5 or a 1/5, depending on if you base it on how well the film was made or how it leaves you feeling by the end. It's slow and it's sad, but if you're going to make a movie like this, this is the way to do it.

The Hateful Eight - 2/5

Quentin Tarantino has always had an eye for cinematography and an ear for catchy dialogue, and this movie is no exception. From the title alone it should come as no surprise that none of the characters are particularly likeable (except for Tim Roth's Oswaldo Mobray who, while a villain, was enjoyable to watch). This movie goes straight for the shock value in a few places, as Tarantino does, but the payoff here is less of a twist and more of a "Yeah, I guess that makes the most sense" climax. I only recommend this if you're a die hard fan of his other movies.