
Knights of the Round Table (1953) - 3/5

This is an old staple of the genre, presenting the most classic, iconic, and complete story of King Arthur. Unfortunately, its stage quality acting, costuming, and set design don’t age well. Beside the fact that Robert Taylor as Lancelot pulls a Kevin Costner (is the only one without a British accent), it’s a bit too bland if you’re already familiar with the story. On the whole, though, it’s a good place to start if you want the most straightforward account of the legend.

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword - 4/5

It's not nearly as bad as the other critics are saying. The music is really good, and the editing (except for one part) is exceptionally good. I really liked the non-linear storytelling, and Jude Law's performance is amazing. It helped knowing it was adapted from a graphic novel going into it. If you liked Timeline and you didn't hate Guy Richie's previous Sherlock Holmes movies, I think you'll really like this.

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Kong: Skull Island - 3/5

It was a pretty fun action movie, but quite a few of the motivations didn't make a lot of sense and if you know a decent amount about guns then there are several plot type things that may bug you. Several of the scenarios seem motivated only by trying to set up gratuitous cinematography, but the result is gorgeous. If you want a beautiful movie with giant monsters fighting each other and tiny people getting sqashed, you could do a whole lot worse than this.