Wesley Snipes

Blade: Trinity - 2/5

This movie starts out as a competent action movie but ends up turning in circles and losing its way. The Dracula thread is fumbled to the point of being boring, which is impressive in its own right but not in a good way. There are some good action scenes, but the second act turnaround feels abrupt and unearned. There’s a distinct Joss Whedon knock-off vibe in some of the quirky character concepts, but with no development it falls flat.

Closest comparison: It’s like Buffy: The Vampire Slayer by way of Iron Man 2.

Setting: Post-Noir Goth
Plot: Super Hero
Tone: Action

Blade II (2002) - 3/5

This movie has all the great action and practical effects that are the hallmarks of director Guillermo del Toro, but it falls short in other places. Firstly, it immediately retcons a major plot point from the first movie, backtracks some substantial character growth in the main character. Secondly, the script plays a little loose with the stakes, utilizing physics-defying gadgets and out-of-nowhere character switches for pivotal plot points. Thirdly, the film severely underutilizes Donnie Yen giving him not even a single good martial arts scene, which is in itself a crime. But for all of that the movie is absolutely dripping with cool visual style and so viscerally engaging that it holds up admirably under its own weight.

Content warning: bloody

Closest comparison: It’s like Blade (1998) by way of Hellboy II: The Golden Army.

Setting: Post-Noir Goth
Plot: Super Hero
Tone: Action Horror

Blade (1998) - 3/5

This is a solid super hero movie, but since it was blazing a new trail at the time it takes a few missteps along the way. The action is pretty good and the blood sprinkler opening scene is low-key iconic. Still, there are several bad story choices and the finale is mostly underwhelming. There’s plenty of entertainment to be had here, but don’t look too deep.

Content warning: bloody

Closest comparison: It’s like Batman Forever by way of The Matrix, with vampires.

Setting: Post-Noir Goth
Plot: Super Hero
Tone: Action Horror